Tackling that subject.

Tackling that subject.

Tackling that subject.

As an Artist, I find it easy enough to make the initial sketch and then refine it to my satisfaction. It is the next stage that I find difficult to deal with! I work in a variety of mediums, ranging from water colours to oils and from acrylics to line and wash, but sometimes, actually settling down to the next stages can be my "bete noir". To help me out with this, I now resort to filing electronically, the various stages of my work in progress, or even posting it on facebook. This is usually done in four stages beginning with the refined drawing, then the background colouring, then the shading and smaller details and finally the centre point (which could be a small though intricate feature) of the work. Currently I am working on a compilation portrait (oils on canvas), with the background and the portrait feature finished, but have yet to complete the clothing and the vehicles involved in this painting - which I know, will take me several weeks to finalise, as I am very particular about getting technical etc., details painted correctly! Having the various stages of work instantly visible via the computor, is an excellent reference point for each stage of my work and I can also see if any changes need to be made as I progress with the art work.
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