Sunflowers with a modern twist

Sunflowers with a modern twist

Sunflowers with a modern twist

Here is the first of a collection of acrylic paintings on canvass, commissioned by a client near Narbonne. This one measures 150cms x 50 cms. Not small, in fact I had trouble getting it into my car! There are two more to be placed above this one, continuing the theme and then there are three which run side by side creating a three metre triptych. If you are thinking of working in a contemporary style it can be tricky especially when it is to commission and you are trying to get into the client’s head. You must be clear about your priorities regarding the subject matter, and of course the client’s brief. It isn’t just a question of copying something in a realistic style it is a matter of combining imagination with design, composition and colour balance that can make it work. And if the budget is tight, why not deign and cut a variety of stencils to help the work progress more quickly. So, four painted and two more to go. Think I’ll need some more yellow paint!
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