Sunday Drawing class -19

Sunday Drawing class -19

Facial Measurements

Sunday Drawing class - 19 Today's subject is measurement of the face . For those who want to draw almost perfect or beautiful faces from the mind, today's class will be considered useful for them. Another thing is that different artists have composed different types of facial measures. One of them is shown here. Take a look at the slideshow on my website from the link if you are unable to understand the steps in the following text. 1. Draw a circle and name its midpoint 0. 2. Draw A-B and C-D lines horizontally and vertically with help of point 0 respectively. 3. Find out the midpoint of 16-0 & 0-9. Name them 1 and 2 respectively . Mark midpoint of 16-1, 1-0, 0-2, and 2-9 [No. 9 and No. 16 points are the point of intersection between circle and C-D line] with the name of 3,4,5 and 6 respectively. 4. Put point No. 7 in between 0 and 5 points. 5. Draw E-F, G-H, I-J and K-L parallel lines through No. 3, 7, 2, 6 points respectively. 6. Find out the midpoint of G-7 and 7-H and name them X and Y. Those help you to set eyeballs. 7. Find out the midpoint of G-X, X-7, 7-Y and Y-H as No. 10, 11, 12 and 13 respectively. Also place the No. 15 and 14 points between 2-6 and 6-9 respectively. This No. 15 is the bottom of nose. 8. 10-11 and 12-13 the gap evaluate the size of the eye. 9. Draw the M-N and O-P horizontal lines in the Circle through points No. 15 and 14 respectively. O-P line indicate the midline between two lips. Through 10 and 13 point draw two vertical lines parallel to C-D line. 10. Now Draw tilted lines from the midpoints of 11-7 and 7-12 sections. Two lines should be touching upper A_B line and another two lines should be touching lower O-P line. This will help to create the nose. The lines which tilt down and touch O-P line indicates how much you can stretch the lip line. 11. From midpoints of K-6 and 6-L if we draw two tilted lines downward and join them on C-D line, we get a special point Q. It’s the point from where our chest starts. 12. Beside the Eyes, two vertical places A-M and B-N are reserved to set our ears. 13. Measure the size of 16-1, place that size from point No. 9 on C-D vertical line. You Will get point No. 8. Now draw two little line on both sides of No. 8 to create chin. From the bottom inner point of the ears draw semicircles to get cheeks. I used some more lines to give the face a real look. Like eyebrow and hairlines. I am sure you are thinking OMG!! there is so much to do to draw a face. Not at all, it's just grammar. Keeping it in mind and memorize the measurements which will help you a lot to draw any face properly.
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