'Struggles of a painting idiot - still raining'

'Struggles of a painting idiot - still raining'

'Struggles of a painting idiot - still raining'

Thanks for all the comments - I got some good ideas for the drawing group - so far have 13 potential members and hoping that they will not all turn up or we are going to have to hire a room. Have been to the local library for drawing books. Teach yourself drawing - Robin Capon is full of ideas. This week I went to the Maldon art group for a demo on pen ink and wash. Made a few mistakes though - did not take a big enough piece of paper or my watercolour pallette - don't know why probably dementia. We were asked to copy the demonstrators demo painting, using a stick and black permanent ink, and then put the colour on as a watercolour wash. I did find her method of painting the sky useful, everyone seems to do it differently, and I would never thought of using Naples yellow in the sky before. My small piece of donated watercolour paper was frustrating though and I could have done about three versions in the time allocated - have got to buy some big sheets of cheaper watercolour for practising! My favourite watercolour paper is Two Rivers which is wonderful, but I tend to keep it for "best" . Joining an art group though is really useful and very good just to chat with interested people. No photos today I have managed to muck up my camera settings, and will be reduced to actually reading the manual. Fish and chips day today......
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