'struggles of a painting idiot - miserable day'

'struggles of a painting idiot - miserable day'

'struggles of a painting idiot - miserable day'

The weather is just miserable here - wet dreary Essex. But tomorrow looking forward to going to a watercolour and pen and ink demo at the art group. Put my painting into Maldon Art Trail last week but although it is nice to see it in an exhibition I wish I could have sold it then I could have bought some more oil paint. But was interesting to see what did sell. It went straight back on the wall when it got home. My drawing group is off the ground and we are all meeting mid October to start drawing and to discuss what we would like to do. Of course we could draw the bikkies and the tea cups...... I have been reading Drawing on the right side of the brain again. Any brilliant ideas for things to experiment with in a drawing group? Wish it would stop raining.
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