'Struggles of a painting idiot - James Merriott demonstration"

'Struggles of a painting idiot - James Merriott demonstration"

'Struggles of a painting idiot - James Merriott demonstration"

Do you think it is going to stop raining - well apparently not today so plein air has gone out the window again...... Last night went to my art group and finally got to pay my sub, I was beginning to feel guilty. We had a watercolour demonstration by James Merriott who seems to mainly paint lots of Essex scenes. It was very enjoyable and interesting watching someone else put a picture together, so I took a few notes about his colour mixes and techniques. He did a snow scene of a Passingford mill at Staple Abbots. I shall have to go there. Time flew by and I kept thinking I really must learn to paint quicker and be more organized and think more about it before I actually start throwing the paint around. I thoroughly enjoyed the evening, and bought some Christmas cards, munched ginger biscuits, drank tea, talked about how to lose weight and am looking forward to next week when we do a still life.
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