Starting afresh - again !

Starting afresh - again !

Starting afresh - again !

Hi ! I'm a septuagenarian painter who just can't stop ! Having started painting in oils in the 1960's, a move to a smaller home in the '80s meant a change of medium to watercolours. I found them very difficult to master at first, but persevered and eventually became reasonably proficient, but felt the need of a change with the turn of the century so took up Acrylics - what a revelation ! so versatile ! I thoroughly enjoyed the next seven years, but now a change of circumstances has forced another change of medium, this time to coloured pencils - both plain (if that is the term) and watercolour. I have found the Creta Aquamonolith very versatile and am enjoying experimenting with them. I find they don't break so easily when I sharpen them as do the wood cased ones. Are there any other colour pencil users out there ? I Would appreciate any tips that a beginner like myself might find useful. Happy painting ! P,S. What is a tagline?
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