Smart Art

Smart Art

Smart Art

I love Painting and paint in all different media, but find watercolour the most difficult. I especially enjoy landscape, either semiabstract or symplistic, either in situ or from imagination. I am Swiss, but I live in South Africa with my husband and son.
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Yes, that webby techy did ok - drinks on the house!

Sorry - this is a postscript. I see that the blogs are now arranged like the galleries and they're fine like that. Thanks.

Nice to hear that you are all hard at it - the site (as well as the magazine) is really appreciated. It's great to be able to get to know other painters. And how nice it is that you guys have turned up. By the way, have to agree with Dai re the search function for blogs. Have tried to find ones I read before and tried using people's names but it didn't work. Maybe the blogs need to be organised according to people's names rather than the blog names which we don't remember?

lol - small and perfectly formed eh! - ok we'll believe you. Y'need to tell your webby techy person that the Search thingy whatsit has a glitch in it somewhere - Has anyone managed to successfully use it ??? - Tiz abit like 'Computer say's no' or is it me getting cake crumbs into my keyboard again. Dai