Rainy Day Decisions

Rainy Day Decisions

Rainy Day Decisions

Mountains in the distance, the green grass still covered in dew, dirt pathways leading to wherever you desire, pure bliss. Alas I am not in the mountains; I am admiring an acrylic painting 'Campsite at Tryfan' is its name by Paul Winstanley. Staring out the window of the office, deep grey clouds loom in the sky, clear sky and mountains seem to be the only thing I can think about. That is the power of a painting. Being able to almost smell the fresh air, hear the animals and admire the scenery. I think I need that painting in my room so that whenever It is a miserable day I can just look at that painting and escape to the beautiful mountains in the welsh countryside. Home away from home, as I sit and type it feels like yesterday I was starting my job here at TAPC, now I'm back to help with some social media jobs. Those 3 months have flown by! Which in some ways is a brilliant thing, but in another way it really isn't! 'A rainy day in Paris' By Alvaro Castagnet seems like a much more relevant painting to be looking at seeing as now the clouds have collided and are covering as far as the eye can see with rain, torrential rain. Don't you just love the unpredictable English weather! The sepia tones in this piece. Personally I think that monochrome and sepia look so well assembled and effortlessly amazing. But that's just my personal taste! Also we have now set up a tumblr account, its brilliant trying to find new artists and great blogs to follow but also quite stressful because the whole office will be able to look at it so I need to make sure that I post and reblog good things! Our tumblr is http://tapco.tumblr.com/ if any of you are interested in keeping up to date with all the things we love and that you might too! Scatter brain are the words that come to mind as i read this blog! So i do appolagise for that! Hope you enjoyed reading, Millie
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