rain, rain, rain,rain, puppy, puppy, puppy, puppiy,paint,paint,paint,paint..............

rain, rain, rain,rain, puppy, puppy, puppy, puppiy,paint,paint,paint,paint..............

rain, rain, rain,rain, puppy, puppy, puppy, puppiy,paint,paint,paint,paint..............

I've woken up in a foul mood today!!! I opened the curtains and it is pouring with rain ( Oh really! I hear you say. Whats new!). Puppy is doing my head in, in a really cute "I can get away" with murder kind of way, and she does!!! She has a look of Bambi about her.Ahh! I hear you say. Arggh! I hear me say........ I guess I'll just have to paint her and be done with our morning walk until those thunder clouds scuttle away. I wish you all a very good day. Until the next time .
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