A Painter's Dozen

A Painter's Dozen

A new book on developing your own watercolour landscape style in your own way, at your own pace, based on 12 subject areas.

Never blogged before, it's hard enough finding time for painting! Something that has kept me from painting for a while is writing a book, which is now available from Amazon. "A Painter's Dozen" is aimed at watercolour landscape painters who have learned a lot from “how to do it” books and now want to develop their own style, a situation I found myself in a few years ago. I found no books to help me switch from painting only by instruction to painting solely from internal stimuli (my own subjects and treatments) In this book I offer readers a self-help course concentrating on 12 topics, which can be experimented with in depth at the rate of one a month, or a week, or as often as the reader chooses, until an improvement is apparent in their own style. I've written it with the emphasis on enjoying the painting experience and putting the fun back into fundamentals, and it can be sampled at Amazon via the "Look Inside" and "Surprise Me" buttons.

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What a great idea David, I may have a look at this. I'm sure it will be a best seller!