Quite a productive week...

Quite a productive week...

Quite a productive week...

...though I can't claim to have created any masterpieces nor have I finished my acrylic on board, still thinking about that. What I have been doing this week is quite a lot of watercolour playing. Three A3 pages so far this week, mostly the exercises in the latest The Artist on skies and trees. As you can see from the attached pic, I still have a way to go.... my brush stroke is terrible... and I am not even the going to consider showing the awful cedar tree. More practice required there. So a little painting every day, and I finally took my loose A3 into work to be bound with comb today. I put on an extra thick comb so I can keep adding loose pages as I need to. I think all this "work" has been quite good for me...at least I am thinking about what to create when I go to sleep and again when I wake up...hopefully it has a snowball effect on my productivity which in turn will improve the quality of the output. We'll see how THAT theory goes. Anyway, hoping you all have a creative weekend ahead of you, I will be trying for one.
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