Portraits - too good to be true

Portraits - too good to be true

Portraits - too good to be true

No picture today because I haven't started my next project yet. I have decided to have a go at a pet portrait. I have already done a couple of pets but nothing close up. I'll dig out some photos of my cats and begin a sketch later today. I visited some websites last night looking at pet portraits. Again the style is very studioish whereas I like to draw people, pets in their environment, I think that is impressionist. Here's a curious point and I don't really know if I am making this up or am on to something here. There is alot of websites advertising turning photos into paintings. Some are really good and I visit them often to see how they are getting on. However, quite a lot are a bit too good to be true. There appears to be absolutely no difference between the photo and the painting - are they actually a print or are they painted to absolute perfection. I had a request from some such website to put a link on my website. When I went to check them out it stated that artists in Asia would be painting the paintings for you....??? really! Does anyone know about this?
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