Portrait Commission from Australia - 49cm x 39cm Framed - Derwent Coloursoft on Fawn Stonehenge

Portrait Commission from Australia - 49cm x 39cm Framed - Derwent Coloursoft on Fawn Stonehenge

Honoured as an emerging artist with a request to produce a family portrait for a client in Australia

Morning CP Art Friends I am honoured to have received my first overseas portrait commission from a client in Australia, my husband's cousin. The family emigrated to Adelaide in the early 1960's when Michael was a toddler. She wants me to produce a triple portrait of her mother, Sheila, who sadly has early symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, her father, Bill and sister, Maria, who have both passed away. I'm awaiting the full brief and will blog some more once I have a clear indication of her expectations. In the meantime, I'll leave you with this "sepia" style coloured pencil portrait which I have named "Wartime Sweethearts". The reference source is an old black and white, fading photograph, retained within Michael's family as a heirloom, a double portrait of his aunty and uncle taken during the 2nd World War. As the reference is circa 1940's, copyright in the UK permits me to use the image without any infringement. "Artistic works, such as photographs and applied art: at least 25 years from creation." All Rights Reserved. Have a good day.
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