'Plein air' at Paper Mill Lock

'Plein air' at Paper Mill Lock

'Plein air' at Paper Mill Lock

Went to Paper Mill Lock, to paint with friends Judith and David today, but afraid my efforts were all a disaster. Too near my subject, everything too green, too leafy and very dull light. Produced a monstrosity even though a passing child said "Wow" when he saw it. Still we did see a cormorant in the canal, it seems to be living under the bridge, lots of swallows, lots of dogs and we also had a good gossip. Struggled a lot with the oil painting though, trying to differentiate one blob of foliage from another, and the shadows under the bridge were just impossible. Finally we gave up and all met for tea at the coffee shop. Recommend this place it serves great cake and good scones, and on a good day is very busy. Only four of us plein air painters turned up but that seems to be about usual. People don't seem to want to paint outside, they all seem to be working from photographs and even copying other paintings from books I find this very surprising. Have decided with my friend Judith to start a "just drawing" group within the local U3A, I think it would be great for the winter days and I think drawing is fundamentally the biggest skill for painting success. Have been reading about a revival of drawings skills, and if you can draw well you can probably tackle anything eventually. Have been working on some watercolours at home in the conservatory, much more detailed than my oils. Am doing a series of Barns inspired by a recent walking trip to the Yorkshire Dales. So have included a copy here. this was the last scheduled outdoor session of the Maldon Art Group but think will continue amongst ourselves whilst the weather remains good. Well that was a lovely afternoon out.
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