Plasterless and vulnerable

Plasterless and vulnerable

Plasterless and vulnerable

Attended the fracture clinic on Friday expecting a new shiny plaastercast after an inspection to check for infection. After a long long wait, the plaster was taken of and replaced by a piece of dressing. I was given a splint to protect my wrist while outside and told to use the wrist and hand as much as possible but not to lift weights! After 5 weeks in plaster I feel very very vuknerable. Neverthe less I atatended the at society Saturday workshop - even painted in watercolour wrestling with the tops of the tubes in my teeth! Not pleased with what I produced but pleased that I went and enjoyed the painting - forgot about everything else for a while - so just need to getthe hand and wrist working again and to get over the constant tiredness which is annoying - I feel as if I could sleep for England at the moment- still I am dreaming about painting which is a good sign!
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