Pastels but need much more practice!

Pastels but need much more practice!

Pastels but need much more practice!

Having bought some Derwent Pastel Pencils at Patchings I had to try them. Not as easy as I thought! The picture shows the small waterfall down to the beach at Osmington Mills in Dorset but I have struggled to capture the texture and the range of colours in the cliff side. It is drawn on a light brown pastel paper and I wonder if this was right colour to choose? Using fixative was not as simple as I thought either. It darkened the colours much more than I expected it to and even removed some of the pastel in the sky. I will keep experimenting to see what works best and hopefully get a bit better with this medium. I have also just finished a painting of my local wood in Derbyshire with bluebells in full bloom. This one was done in my favourite medium of acrylics and you can see it nu my gallery titled Hayes Wood in Springtime.
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