Painting through the rubbish

Painting through the rubbish

Painting through the rubbish

Despite tweaking the face, I have begun painting the clothes. Still not sure why it is showing as orange when it is quite red on the original. The hands and arms need more work with clearer shading and light areas as well as working on the red through the fingers. The short walk book arrived today for my trip to Herefordshire. I am getting excited now. As predicted, he is intent on causing trouble turning up twice today and demanding to take the children when he has given no warning. He also gets furious when the children have plans. He wants them to drop their plans and spend time with him because he 'has rights'. Today something changed however, each time I stood up to him and told him he is welcome to have control of the day but these are what the plans are. The first time he stormed off, then he returned at teatime saying he was taking them for the night. When I told him that our eldest son was going for a sleepover I get the face and the sulk. They have never stayed with him overnight, he has no beds for them to sleep in and with no warning just turns up and says they have to stay overnight. I told him that he couldn't just take them and they told him that they didn't want to go so he sat outside in his car for a while and then drove off. To appease him I persuaded the younger 2 to go round his for a couple of hours this evening but they wouldn't stay the night. You'd think he'd be pleased - oh no! He was still cross about the sleep over, slammed the door in my face and I'd be surprised if he drops them off later...well well....little things. The rest of the day went swimmingly. I really enjoyed it, the car is going superbly and feels great, I even treated it to a wash. Did a bit of gardening - had a great tea (even with him sat outside) the kids had brill sports (cricket and hockey) today and my daughter is ace.
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