Painting in the backseat

Painting in the backseat

Painting in the backseat

Just thought I'd lay down a bit of a placeholder as painting right now is firmly relegated to the backseat. It might surprise you to know that I actually do read 'The Artist' although it generally irritates the crap out of me.... I suspect I don't fit their demographic particularly well. Anyway my imagination has been captured by an article on using thick and thin paint to get luminesence in the painting - don't remember the title but it keeps refering to the 'Norfolk Art School' or something... it doesn't really matter. The point is that it's got me thinking about how I'm going to do my next painting - I'm working on a (much larger) revision of Wasdale (see my gallery) but I really want the fields in the mid ground to jump up and smack me in the face.... that's the project for Thursday nights painting group. Hopefully be in the gallery by Sat. UPDATE: Did it wed night instead... need to think of something else for tomorrow. Cheers, Ade
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