Painting in Devon

Painting in Devon


I have drawn and painted from an early age. It used to be horses, horses, horses. My mother once commented that every time she went to write a letter, the pad had a drawing of a horse on the top sheet and an impression of a horse on every page under that, because I pressed on so hard. I was proved with drawing paper, and later again, a field to keep a pony in. I bought the pony myself, I was working by then. I have been a Registered Nurse and trainer in health care for years but retired when one of my hips went bionic( sort of, no electricity was involved!!!). Time off work for various reasons, I felt out of touch. I had continued painting and joining various groups and classes too and read The Artist Magazine, trying out various projects and tips. Now I have a website and am selling paintings steadily, from my site and from ebay. I had sold one or two at an early age, but felt as excited about my more recent sales as I did then. Its some thing about knowing that some one values your art enough to pay for it. Does this make me a professional artist? Enough about me, Exeter Quey is waiting for me to paint another picture.
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A Aardvark? well I guess it would get a top billing...I'm more worried that POL suggest I move my blog elsewhere...thank you for identifying this trifid...

Still want to know what sort of triffid it is...please?