Paint a Puppy purchase prize

Paint a Puppy purchase prize

Paint a Puppy purchase prize

Today is Tilly's owner Diane's birthday, and as a team we presented her with her favourite painting which was entered in our recent 'Paint a Puppy' competition. As it was a secret present we couldn't announce the purchase prize winner until today - but congratulations to Ann Onley whose pastel portrait 'Proud Mum' was judged by Di to be the most lifelike portrayal of her beautiful dog Tilly. Ann bought the painting to the office a few weeks ago (on a day when Di was not at work!) and it was lovely to meet one of our artists in person. We had the picture framed locally and this morning Di was amazed to receive it! Along with chocolate cake to accompany morning coffee she seemed very pleased to have had to come to work on her birthday! See Ann's painting on the winners page
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