Online tuition

Online tuition

Online tuition

Hungry for information, I've been trawling the internet. What strikes me is the massive variation in quality between the various online tuition sites. One, which I encourage everyone to visit, is Roger L Bansemer's, a US artist whose work, mainly in acrylic, is superb and whose instruction,in the form of practical demonstrations, I have found immensely helpful. Another that I looked at today is a very differnt matter. It's another US site, but the demos are packed into just a few minutes (Bansemer offers videos of around 25 minutes or more). I fail to see how anyone could learn anything useful from the second site. A very nice lady, no doubt, demonstrated how to paint a sunset in watercolour - never an easy thing to do unless your name is J M W Turner, in all fairness. And I suppose, yes, the basic information was all there, now I think about it. But the painting she produced was just awful. Was she keeping it simple, so as not to deter people? Maybe. But I don't think anyone is really going to pay attention to a demo when the artist produces a work that no one in their right mind would want to paint . I think it's a mistake to "dumb down", if that's what she was doing. The best demos I've seen have been those in which the painter makes no concessions, but produces the best work he/she can.
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