Not a sketching person (sadly)

Not a sketching person (sadly)

Not a sketching person (sadly)

I am in the south of France with the family at the moment. This year I decided to take a sketch book, some paints and a few pens intending to produce one of those sketchbooks of snapshots of the local area that we often see on the POL gallery. However, the fatal flaw seems to be that I don't appear to be a sketch book sort of gal. I did one sketch of the view from our terrace (pretty amazing) and it was rubbish. The problem seems to be that I need peace and quiet, preferably in my studio at home,to produce anything half decent. I just don't function well when I have a short period of time to get something down on paper so then I rush and the result isn't pretty. I have also found that I don't actually enjoy plein air sketching. I have never liked plein air painting much but thought that I might be able to cope with a much shorter session - wrong - just as bad. So it is back to the camera and memories and using them as fodder for studio work when I get back. The sketchbook can stay at home next time but on the bright side that helps with my baggage allowance.
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