new trick to hang pictures ?

new trick to hang pictures ?

new trick to hang pictures ?

My next exhibition will take place in a cafe. The owner has been offering this facility to artists for a number of years now. He has ready-made rails attached to the walls to hang your paintings on and spot lights to present them in the best possible way. Since the rails also provide the power for the lights, fitting the paintings has to take that into consideration. In order to hang my pictures on those rails I have bought some nylon filament. It looks like a fishing line and can carry up to 25 kilos. I am going to cut it to the right length beforehand which will allow me to hang the paintings as quickly as possible. As you cannot tie a knot into the filament I am going to join the two ends by a small electrician´s screw terminal. I will then loop the line through the picture hook and drape it over the hanging rail. Do you want to know what this gadget looks like ? You learn to improvise in this job, don´t you.
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