New Paths Series Sketch

New Paths Series Sketch

New Paths Series Sketch

22 December New Paths series sketch I have almost finished the portrait now. Managed to successfully finish painting the top and just need to work on the background. I ligtened the face again and I am now satisfied with it. I took someone's advice and left it when the light faded and began another piece. I decided to start another path painting for my Paths Series. I want to do this one in pastel so I have sketched quickly the initial outline. I am as yet undecided whether to sketch it in chalk pastel or oil pastel. I have done one paths series paintings in oil pastel which has turned out really well. There is something about the strong colours that I don't think is as easy to achieve with chalk pastel. The problem is that I find though I can be successful with oil pastel there are too many occasions where I have reduced a good sketch to a what looks like a wax crayon mess with the oil pastels. I shall sleep on it then decide tomorrow which medium I will use. Here is the sketch.
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