Networking around South Yorkshire during artists open studios 2015

Networking around South Yorkshire during artists open studios 2015

Despite a damp start to the May Day Bank Holiday, Julie Ann Maguire breaks from Suburban art jam with a visit to Janey Lazenby's smallholding in Barnsley

Dear Blog Followers For most of us in the UK, isn't this typically Great British weather for a Bank Holiday Monday? The Tour de Yorkshire came through our region this weekend, but Michael and I were busy networking at Janey Lazenby's smallholding and stable block in Cawthorne Lane, Barnsley on Saturday. Janey is one of 7 members of a group of visual artists and craftspeople, called aptly "Pennine Artists", based in the Yorkshire Pennines. The main group occupies the gallery space in Janey's stable block and her rural studio/come fine art gallery is open for visitors as the Open Up Sheffield 2015 event and artists open studios continue today and this coming Saturday and Sunday 4/9/10th May 2015. Yorkshire folk certainly know how to make you welcome. There was even a warm welcome from Tess, the dog as she lapped up all the attention from visitors. Michael can sometimes have a bit of a dog phobia, but even he felt at ease. So if you haven't yet visited the venue in Mount Pleasant, there is still time and it is open on those dates above between 11.00-17.00. Come on down, what have you got to lose? Home-made lemon drizzle cake, chocolate cake, tea, coffee and biscuits provided as part of this great celebration of rugged artists! Thanks to Janey, Catherine, Simon, Yvonne, Jackie, Alison and Caroline for having us on Saturday with especial thanks to my daughter, Natalie on showing me today how to use Pizap software to edit the collage. Pennine Artists exhibition is just literally minutes from the M1 Motorway, on the A637 Huddersfield to Barnsley main road, second left after Kexborough Spar. Enjoy May Day - even if it's wet!
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