WISH THE CHOCOLATE COULD HAVE BEEN REAL. HAVE READ ALL YOUR COMMENTS AND SEND MY THANKS TO ALL FOR THE KIND COMMISERATIONS. Your sympathies are very much appreciated. You will know how it feels. Thanks to Phil for the encouraging remarks, I know how the coeliac tries to wreck a body, a friend has it. It took forever to diagnose but she is back to her old self thanks to specialist dietary knowledge & a caring husband. I know life can never be normal again but you seem to be handling it fine. My arm, by the way, has regained 100% function & movement although the nerve and tendon pain is still there occasionally. Takes a little longer I suppose. My typing got quicker so all this takes less time. Thank goodness. Been busy today sealing & fitting hanging gear to 8 pictures that I framed yesterday. Just printed the labels for the backs but will stick them on tomorrow. I like to do the job properly. Can't believe the state some people present their pictures in for exhibitions, which reminds me that I must do another framing demo for the group before their exhibition in March, in the hope that some of them will make an effort to get it right. I got a couple of enquiries from prospective new members which makes me feel proud that people still want to learn from me. I don't know how much longer I can carry on. Life gets so full of stuff which seems to take longer to sort. Got to paint a birthday card for Sunday so might not bet back until after Monday. We'll see. Night night all back A.S.A.P.
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