My start in art

My start in art

Getting going

Bill Truslove, Pastel artist.I just love the wonderful medium of pastel. I started painting in 1986 when I was stationed in Woomera, Sth Australia. I didn't fit in with the local pastimes of sport and beer drinking so I had to find a new hobby. Having enjoyed art at school I settled on that. Now after 23 years if I can't paint for a day I feel deprived.
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The best thing to do is to decide to enjoy the painting process even if the end result doesn't work out. It's as much about enjoying putting paint to paper as it is about producing a painting that you could hang on the wall. With watercolour you will probably only get 1 good painting from every 5 or 10 efforts at first, so don't despair and learn from your mistakes. At the end of the day, it's only a piece of paper!

Hi Andy very good advice but how do you get rid of the fear factor or is that the moment every stroke I put down I want it to be perfect and if it isn't i think useless and put it away...I don't throw anything away just in any help would be greatfully received

Hi Andy thought I would catch up with the moment i'm not painting it's too hot for me here in West Oz...I thought I might work on some Chinese Brush Work but everything is drying so quickly at he moment that wet on wet is almost impossible...I have a landscape in progress in acrylics and so far I like what i've done but just leaving it it's a gift so it's special...the urge is beginning to hit but the weekend is forecasting nearly 40 again dosn't half drain the painting for me will have to wait a while...I know I havn't got the dreaded block the urge is there and I know many could paint in this weather with great pleasure but i'm an Irish girl brought up in the rain so it's not for me...I will say though that blogging on this site has kept me sane because i'm one of those people who can't sit and do nothing...hpopin you havn't got the block I hear your weather over there has been as extreem as ours

Because it's xmas eve i'm only on for a short time tonight will catch up with art talk in the New Year

Hi Andy i'm going through the blog posts and trying to talk to people who arn't getting replies...i'm new to this site and I know what it's like waiting so I hope you look at your blog after so long..Merry Christmas