My entry into Blogworld

My entry into Blogworld

Been trying to pluck up courage to do this for so long.

At long last I would like to say Hello to you all out there.This is something I have been trying to pluck up the courage to do for so long and now I have. Being of an age where computers did not exist in my youth it has taken me a while to 'get with it'. Like all of you I love to draw and paint,have done for most of my life. My love is life drawing,horses,dogs,humans. I have had no formal art training,just muddled along on my own except for a short period of group tuition many years ago. Now I paint mainly in pastels and acrylic and look forward to each session eagerly with determination and resolve that this is going to be the best one yet, mainly to end the session disappointed that it hasn't turned as great as I'd anticipated. Oh well maybe next time.
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Thank you for your kind words, I am greatly encouraged by them. Yes it is pastel.

Hi how are you doing with your woman-flu? new dangerous activity toy has just been delivered...a folding/multi positional 4metre ladder...there is no knowing what will happen...there is GF food available as hospital food...The Memsahib is still ministratin' at the local [sorry regional] hospital...but come July she retires...if she stayed she would either blow a gasket or learn to live in a HMG holiday camp...for person-doing-away-with...sorry job creation of a replacement line-manager post...

Yes it was great to pick up a cheque for my painting - made me feel like a real one! The money is a bonus. Some-one liked my work enough to part with cash. That shows me how far I've come in the past 2 and a bit years. When I lose the buzz of a new painting I'll give up. As for landscapes, I too am severely underwhelmed by most of them, especially if they just reproduce what's there (eg Constable). The ones that I like convey the mood of the moment (eg Turner).That is what I would strive for. I admire a lot of the artists on this site I won't name examples for fear of missing out some that I really like. I've added clothes in one painting, sheets in others and that is the direction I want to take now. Adding in more 'props' to make a more complete and interesting painting. Anyway...have a great Easter. Don't OD on chocolate :)

As you rightly guessed I am an old hippy... and an ex-rocker, ex-mod (still love Ska), ex-folky all before kids of course. Still go to concerts. Tina Turner is next, Jools Holland and Elkie Brooks in the summer. I've so many great acts. I booked to see John Mayall a couple of years ago and only found out the day before that he was the supporting act to B B King - great night! Saw REM in Hull, found out the week before that the supporting acts were The Zutons and Eidleweiss - two great bands booked before they got famous. Anyway.. I was watching Cream reformed at the Albert Hall when I realised about my hearing (Ginger Baker's drum solo in the middle - went silent every time he assaulted the cymbals) small world! Clapton is good, but I reckon it was Jack Bruce's heavy bass line that held it all together. I walked to our local shop this afternoon and got funny looks. Realised that I looked like a drunk that was trying hard to look sober. All I need is a dirty shiny coat and a mongrel. I'll apply to the social. They probably have a beginners pack. I can't drink, but I can put Ginger Beer in a Special Brew can.

Hi Patsy, just left a comment on my blog. Do please have a look.

That's my sort of girl...well done...nothing to fear except fear itself..Roosevelt?

Sorry to hear about your daughter's fear. It's understandable and as I said not limited to one continent. The financial crisis is making it more prevalent, but they do it because there is little chance they'll get caught I'm sure. All you can do is look after your own and don't make yourself a target. Moving on.. the cotton wool reference is probably a compliment (?). I choose to take it that way! As for cricket - I'm not a big fan (unless we are beating Australia! - like when Campesi was forced to eat his words heh heh). If (when) the Aussies beat us I find some face-saving excuse. I had my last session with my favourite model tonight. If I'm up to it I'll have around ten new paintings. Enough for a 'stock' and then I'll move on to pastures new. Landscapes, seascapes, still lifes, whatever grabs me. I thing a change of direction for a while will be good for me. Summers coming. Time to get out on the moors or onto one of the beaches. The tourists like those pictures. Thinking like a pro already! David Hockney is our most famous local artist. Now if only I could run into him 'accidentally' (I know the cafe he uses) and ride on his coat tails! Support artist for one of his Tate gigs? Dream on...

Glad you managed to order your future copies Patsy, happy reading, hope it gives you inspiration. How is your back?

Yay! My copies of The Artist are practically falling apart from being read so much!

Great news Patsy. Enjoy your Mag's. Got your message on my blog. I'm not very good at working out how to create links. Working on it though. One day someone will tell me how. To find the Durban House thingy I Googled - Facebook durban house heritage centre - which caused a list of stuff to appear and this is the one I chose - Save the DH Lawrence Heritage Centre! Broxtowe Borough Council are proposing to close Durban House - the DH ... got not less so please show your support for the Centre by joining this Facebook ... - 41k - Cached - Similar pages - You click on it to open up and register with your details etc., and write a protest message. I hope this helps you to get through, if not tell me and I'll keep trying.