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I hope your friend is improving & gaining some of the weight she has lost. We had a look at your painting & left a message. Thank you once again for your kind words LOL Betty & Max XXX

Hi Max and Betty hope the doctor can help my friend has just been through a funny illness where her immune system began attacking itself she lost 12 kilos but is slowly getting better she is on steroids and is now gradually reducing's good your son can help you with the shopping there's nothing worse than the must do's when you feel rotten...looking forward to seeing the next masterpiece...I have started on the landscape again which was at a standstill for a while...I put it in my gallery and asked for advice and got it...tonight I've posted part two of the work in progress in my gallery and have asked for honest critique that way I will know if I'm going in the right direction...I seem to take on these difficult works...running before I can walk but I just see a scene and that's that don't think much about how...funny I'm not like that in my real life I'm a cautious person...hope this finds you feeling a bit better Betty don't do too much rest LOL patsy XXX

Thank you Patsy for your kind thought's.......yes it is painful, I am seeing my doctor weekly at the moment so he can keep an eye on me, he is looking into things for me.......but i am trying to keep cheerful & look on the bright side of things. I have taken some photo's of my flowers will post them on the blog for you to see. Went shopping today at the local supermarket, but my son came with me he is a great help & he is worried, so is the daughter in Bristol............Max is trying to compose another masterpiece!!! How is your landscape coming along? well must take my tablets the doctor prescribed for the shingles & of to bed. will post the photo's on the blog in the next few day's............goodnight sweet dreams Betty & Max xxx

Hi Max and Betty...Betty I'm so sorry you have been so ill shingles is awful isn't it so painful...I got them when I was 7 just after chickenpox I can still remember are they treating your inflamed gut? nice though to get all the lovely flowers really brightens you up when you are ill and also makes you feel cared for...what a lovely garden you have...ours is quite big but at this time of year it really suffers no matter how much water gets poured onto it...well Max and Betty it's goodnight late again here...hope you feel better soon...Patsy XXX

Hi Patsy we have a Rhododendron bush a shocking pink in colour, we have a big garden with so much crammed into it.......there is colour all year round.........we have a volunteer gardener who does it for us now i can't bend any more & Max's breathing stops him from doing it. Been to the doctors today for blood results it was an inflamed gut so it means blood tests every three months from now on........but it has given me shingles, taking more tablets i shall rattle soon, but must look on the bright. It's my birthday next week & Max went out & bought me a beautiful orchid in a pot a lilac/red in colour will post it on the blog soon. Also had a bunch of apricot tulips from our cleaning lady, we went to our art class today (friday) I help the teacher with the people over eighty who really only come for the company........the whole class bought me a boquet of mixed flowers.......all this cheered me considerably. Goodnight of to bed shortly Betty & Max xx

Hi Max and Betty really looking forward to seeing the daffodils one of my favourites...I love flowers of any kind but I do admit to missing the lovely seasonal English flowers...Daffs, Crocus and snowdrops...I remember in Ireland the Rhododendrons great hedges of them every where...when we were talking of guitarists did you know that Hank Marvin lives in Perth...he's a 7th Day Adventist and there is an enclave of them up in the hills...Hubby met him one day but wasn't sure it's like do I know you but they had a good laugh about it...a really nice man...well Max and Betty hope you are both well it's late again must get to bed

Hi Sylvia. Have looked at your painting of the hibiscus & think it is great have left a comment on your gallery. Our daffodils are just starting to open up & the snowdrops are out so spring must be on the way. Glad you liked the sky patsy we have taken quite a few like this.

Alovely sky Max and and Betty very similar to the skys we get in Oz when there is a bit of rain about...loved your new painting and have left you a flower...hope you are both well

Hi Max. Thank you for my welcome back home. I have just posted an ink picture of an hibiscus one I did on holiday. The weather here is very frosty this morning with snow on the hills. I shall need to wrap up well when I walk the dog.