Linen - voyage of discovery...

Linen - voyage of discovery...

Linen - voyage of discovery...

Even having been painting in oil for all these years - that'll be 48 years at the last count - I have never before used linen; and I'm cheating a bit even now, using linen stretched over board, and primed with transparent primer to give the natural colour. I suppose the reason for this is the cost has put me off before - so for years I've used anything from Daler Board, to cigar boxes, canvas boards, stretched cotton duck, anything but the more expensive linen. My favourite surface is actually wood - but I had to give linen a try, now, didn't I? And what a revelation it is. At first, I found the priming on these Jackson's Clear Primed Rough Linen boards a bit scratchy and unforgiving, but then I realized I was being too "precious" with them, applying too little paint; and that a touch of medium would probably help too. Attacking the canvas properly, with a loaded brush, the paint does what I want it to do: it sits on the surface without sinking in, to the great advantage of the intensity of my colours; and it offers excellent potential for layering, without (I hope) turning my paint into mud. I'm probably the only POL-er who hasn't tried linen before, but if you haven't I suggest you do; I'll move on to stretched linen canvas next - I won't abandon some of my tried and trusted surfaces, but I now have a new string to my bow and rather regret being so mean with money for so many years.... mind you, it did enable me to buy the cigars which provided the boxes on which I later painted.....
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