Leisure Painter Yesteryears

Leisure Painter Yesteryears

Leisure Painter Yesteryears

It's about time I found the time to write a blog! It has been a busy time just lately with the introduction of more regular e-newsletters - I hope you are enjoying the content of the bonus features, new issues and gallery and news versions which are being sent out every two weeks. Today see the start of a new section on the features page. I have been looking through and scanning some of the oldest issues of Leisure Painter, and will be adding a little bit of history to the site every month with an extract from issues dating back to Leisure Painter's launch in 1967. The first of these articles to be added is available to read now - see the link at the top of the features page - and is an interview with L.S. Lowry which first appeared in the spring 1968 issue! It is amazing to think that Leisure Painter actually interviewed this great artist all those years ago! And, with perfect timing, we also have tickets to give away to the forthcoming Lowry and the Paintings of Modern Life exhibition at Tate Britain. I hope you enjoy these forays into history - let me know if you remember any specific articles you would like to see appear online. And, as always, I would love to have your feedback!
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