Leisure Painter August - Painting outdoors

Leisure Painter August - Painting outdoors

Leisure Painter August - Painting outdoors

The advice and tuition offered in the August issue of Leisure Painter is not just about technique and materials, but, as a special en plen air edition, covers tutors’ top tips on how to repel unwanted art ‘experts’ (who can put the most confident painter off their stride), what to pack, and what to do when you get there! In fact, everything you’ll need to ensure the most comfortable outdoor painting experience. All the tutors agree – your first forays into sketching and painting from life will probably not result in your best work, especially if you usually paint from photographs, but don’t be discouraged. Progress comes with practice. Avoid being overly ambitious, keep to a limited palette, and be comfortable and safe. It’s best to join an art group or partner for sketching trips into the countryside, but if you are painting alone, don’t forget that there is plenty of subject matter to be found in your garden, or viewed from a park bench or window. There is a plethora of National Trust and other properties that welcome painters, although it’s probably best to telephone first if you want to set up an easel. Alternatively, join a painting holiday, or weekend or day course that focuses on painting en plein air. There are plenty of tutors who cater for beginners and those inexperienced with painting outside. Check out the Marketplace section each month in the magazine, or on the site itself, and of course our holiday supplements (free with our February and October issues) to find a course that suits you. Painting outdoors this summer will build your confidence and your skills – so relax and enjoy it!
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