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Well into September and I still haven't managed to find the time to paint. I have been busy trying to get other ventures up and running. I know the government say the recession is at an end, but from my point of view that doesn't seem to be the case. I may have mentioned in the past that I work behind the scenes in FIlm and TV, well the recession is still present for us, especially those self employed. I'm hoping it will end soon. So, onto my new ventures. Well, as I mentioned last time, I have a Redbubble page now, it can be found at this address and shows you what a Redbubble page looks like. I haven't made any sales yet, but I guess it is early days and I haven't really been pushing it until now. I have had hundreds of views though. For ease of use I rate this site quite highly, so if you want to try selling your images, and not just as prints and cards, then I would recommend it. Go on, give it a go, you never know, you might make some money. I have revamped my own website again and my news page has been transformed into a blog. However, the software I use (I'm not a computer programmer) has limitations and doesn't make having a blog easy. So, to get round this, I have started a blog using the blogger web site. Unlike this blog, my other one will be about many things other than art. If you are interested you can find my other blog here So, back to painting. I have several images in my head that I really should get on and paint. The trouble I have is that over the past few months my painting table has disappeared under a sea of odds and ends, not to mention plants and seed raising stuff. I really will have to clear it all away, but at the moment it is a great excuse not to paint. I think I need a few rainy weekends when I can't go down to the allotment. Hope you all had a good summer, happy painting.
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