I've not run away yet

I've not run away yet

I've not run away yet

I know I have been a bit quiet, but I have not been very arty in the past week or so, nor have I done anything exciting. And if I had, I'm not allowed to tell you as I'm on Jury Service. Day shift + having to concentrate = too tired to contemplate art. I did manage to finish off a bag I have been promising myself to make for ages. Its for a friend, but she doesn't know she's getting it. You can see the pic here. Today I am too lethargic to contemplate anything other than snuggling under the doona. The weather has cooled down but I cannot think about going into the back garden to whipper-snip the meadow that is now growing there (trust me a lawn mower will not work). Hopefully the weather will hold up tomorrow and I can do it then. Yesterday I went to Ikea to pick up some folding chairs for when my visitors arrive in June. Its like a brightly coloured jail where you are encouraged to spend. Ugh, I hate shopping. But I did find some cool fabric to recover the seat cushions with. So that has been me...so unexciting I know but its not forever. Hopefully I will be back on the art track by next weekend. Until then, take care and keep on with being creative.
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