I`ve become a Francophile!

I`ve become a Francophile!

I`ve become a Francophile!

I`ve been to France many times - on sailing trips, driving through or touring and only spending 1 or 2 nights in a particular place. I have just returned from a 6-day painting holiday in Normandy and it has opened my eyes to what a beautiful, uncrowded and nice country it is. The highlight of my trip (and, to be honest the original reason for going) was a visit to Monet`s house and garden at Giverny. I was bowled over! Although it is late in the season (the garden closes for the winter at the end of October) there was still a riot of colour everywhere one looked - flowers still in bloom long after similar ones in my garden have given up the ghost. The house was charming and I was thrilled to see all the Japanese pictures on display in each room - those along would have been worth the €6 entrance fee. The view from Monet`s bedroom window was breathtaking - I could almost imagine him standing next to me, sighing with satisfaction. Last, but by no means least was the Water Garden and, of course, those lilies (some still in bloom) - the Japanese bridge - I walked right round, taking many photographs to work up into paintings later (thinks: has it been done before?!) Although there were a lot of visitors coming through the turnstiles, the gardens are large enough to get lost and sit alone on one of the many benches and just drink in the view. The people I passed whilst walking around nearly all had a calm, peaceful and happy expression on their faces - the garden was exercising its spell. We also visited ruined chateaux, water mills, markets, churches and other places of interest. I want to return again next year! Anne
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