There are snores emanating from himself in the sitting room and it appears to be raining outside. Thanks for the reassuring message Patsy, glad you're OK. We are still getting horrific images of Oz on TV and I pray that it will be over soon and no more lives will be lost. My daughter and family were in a suburb of Melbourne for 8 months during 2006/7 I'm pleased that they came home. They were just visiting during her husbands sabbatical year when he had to work elsewhere in the world. He's a university lecturer. They might have decided to stay, and might have been caught up in all the horror. I thank God they came home. I've stayed home today, the Eastwood Art Club, of which I am a member, meet Mondays & Wednesdays. I go Mondays but the weather has kept me indoors for the last two. I managed to paint a little this afternoon, working on a little landscape from a photograph I took in Bradford Dale, that's in Derbyshire. We walk there sometimes, I enjoy walking the dales because there aren't too many ups & downs to them and there's usually a river around to add interest. The photographs I take in the summer are really handy in the winter. Hi All, Thanks for admiring the snow pic. Oh Patsy!, what a worrying time you must be having. We keep getting reports on the fires on TV here. Please take good care of yourself and keep in touch. (So that we don't worry too much). We attended the Photographic Society's annual night out last night. I didn't drink too much but I'm afraid I over ate and we were late to bed because our friends, who transported us there & back again, came in for coffee and liquers when we got home. You know how time flies when that happens. Had a lazy day with just an omelette for lunch to make up for the gluttony. Did a simple painting of the Wild Roses sketch this afternoon and thought I'd show it to you. The new flower painters at the Arts Group will be expected to produce something similar eventually. This was, quite obviously, painted from my imagination as there are no living samples available at present so it's not very acurate. I'll put the real thing in the gallery. Hope you like it.
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