I'm watching you - cat study watercolour

I'm watching you - cat study watercolour

I'm watching you - cat study watercolour

Due to having nothing on my easel, I have flipped through my old sketches and found a pen drawing of one of my cats. I decided to give it a watercolour wash today. I have kind of given up on watercolour for the time being but since the drawing was so detailed it only needed a quick few strokes to add some colour. The cat looks quite sinister really but he's a big softie. He has fled out to of the house today because the window cleaners have been whom he loathes. He resurfaced a few minutes ago when I went out to the garage to put some clothes in the dryer. I'm not sure where he has been hiding but he is all covered in bits of snow and ice. After a nervous lunch he is sat on the floor beside me glaring out the patio window and I suspect he will follow me everywhere I go today. It's bitterly cold up here in Cheshire and I am putting off going out to do netball club this afernoon. Normally I really look forward to it but I just want to stay inside. We have our final league matches tomorrow. If we win them then we will win the league but they are a couple of tough matches so we will just have to keep our fingers crossed, they do know what they are doing by now. I have been scouring art courses over the last few days. Ideally I would go out to a course, the company would do me good and I haven't given up the possibility of trying a few workshops. However, I don't really want to learn to paint in another artist's style I want to learn some specific skills particularly concerning portraits and drawing, so a specific accredited course would probably be the best thing. Once I gain some confidence I can always join an art club. I was looking at London Art College and OCA which I read on a forum were quite good. They are pricey however so I will have to save my pennies. On the domestic side, I still seem to be living at the mercy of a self deluded idiot who believes that wreaking revenge on me is their new lifetime pursuit. Sometimes I look at myself in the mirror trying to find traces of the evil person he surely thinks I must be. I always start with glaring at myself, pulling some seriously frowning faces but end up smiling at myself, shrugging my shoulders and giving up. I don't trully believe that he is the victim he thinks he is nor am I the witch he believes me to be. The mortgage is due tomorrow so with only £20 left in my bank account once that goes out I should be weeping but sadly I know that to show signs of panic would only delight him and will mean that he will leave payment till the 11th hour again next month. Hey ho into the brink - its time for netball club!
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