Do you like the latest pic? Does time fly for everyone like it does for me? There have been at least 2 days this week when I haven't had time to even switch on the laptop. Thought there might have been some time yesterday but Himself is still sufferring from that nasty effect a lot of people get after having a flu jab. The medics say it doesn't cause the condition but I know better. The only one I ever had nearly killed me so I don't put myself in that situation any more. The studio area is useable again and after cooking lunch, Roast Beef & Yorkshires etc., I have painted my first Christmas card for this year, only 5 more to go. When I've done the originals I choose one of them to print for sending to the masses. More expensive than commercial ones but better appreciated. The local town council have given a grant of £100 to the Arts Group and I've spent half of it already on books & DVD's for the group library. Some of the old stuff has gone into the raffle box. Matt Palmer said that I was the best organiser he's come across on his travels. BLOG COMMENTS:- Found your blog Phil didn't get time to read much. You seem to have travelled to some interesting places. I haven't seen all I want to see of Scotland yet. Keeping my fingers crossed though. My regards to the Memsahib. If you ever get here I'll keep the delicates locked up. You can use th eheavy crystal. Hello Robert, Yes it was a bit late wasn't it, but it's not the latest session to date. There's another blog I have to visit from time to time to comment on. We're going to visit them on Saturday for a 'Sausage Fest' I've promised to do the desserts so numbers have doubled from 6 to 12. I wonder why. Are you still there Beatrice? Hope you're OK. Will look for you shortly.
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