I can't believe I've finished my website

I can't believe I've finished my website

I can't believe I've finished my website

After a lot of struggling and feeling like I'm going to cry or tear my hair out-it's all finished and out on the world wide web.Quite a scary thought,but I am so pleased that I have completed my website for my paintings claremaxwell.co.uk .If anyone has time to have a quick look please let me know what you think.

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Thank you all for taking time to look at my website and for all the kind comments about it. It was a bit of a mission but feels good that it's completed😀

Hi Clare, love your website, it flows easily from one section to another and is very usable with your work displayed very clearly. Good inspiration for me to get on with mine.

Enjoyed looking at your website, particularly your animals. Well done.

Nice one Clare I liled the sliding picture galleries

good site, a bit slow to load up ( prob my line ) great work, you should do well

Hi Adele , thanks for letting me know -my sister in law got onto a bricklayers site instead of mine😀.Thank you for your kind comments as well. Clare

Got it Clare. I think you have done brilliantly. Great website and I love the way the pages follow on. A lovely collection of paintings. Good luck with your site.

Hi Adele, I'm really not very good at all this technical stuff 😀 I have taken away a space that shouldn't have been there and hopefully that will work.

Hi Clare - can't seem to get onto your website. Perhaps you'll check it.