Hydrangea macrophylla letum

Hydrangea macrophylla letum

Julie Ann Maguire reveals the name of her botanical study on the final day of her work-in-progress

Dear Art Blog Friends It is here at a last, the moment you have been waiting for, somewhere, perhaps in Yorkshire, I can hear a drum roll! Prismacolor pencils on black Stonehenge support 32cm x 22cm - Death of a hydrangea There is beauty in nature and all natural things succumb to death as the season changes to Autumn. I wanted to capture this hydrangea's "dying breaths" as its remaining hours of photosynthesis gradually faded on this December day in 2013. Sunlight gave this plant hope, a final blossoming under subdued hues. Until the sun faded and the mystique of Winter called it on the cold breeze, downward, wilting and decaying into its resting place. Have a good weekend everyone. Best Wishes JAM http://suburbanartjam.com/wp/throw-those-curtains-wide-as-my-botanical-theme-is-revealed/
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