Holiday Sketches

Holiday Sketches

Holiday Sketches

Having just read "Back from the Balkans" it remindered me of many a happy hour/half hour or even minutes captured whilst away on holiday finding a landscape etc. to sketch while my wife was busy sun bathing shopping or whatever. I have many sketches of which most never see the light of day into been converted to a full blown picture. However when you look back on these they become far more precious than some digital image which was also taken as a memory of a past vacation. I even set sketch books to one side just to capture images of a certain area only to be brought out of storage to be used if we visit the same area again. I might just convert these into a hoilday journal book one day (may be when I'm retired and looking for a project). A few sketches that have made it further are in my recent portfolio "Artofrob 3" to which I,ve just added one from Agya Napa which was painted several years ago. I am often perplext as to why I can not capture the same atmospheric qualities in a finished painting as to the original sketch. Maybe it's because I know that when I begin I am trying to create a finished piece and not just a sketch. If any of you who read my earlier blog "Art & Architecture" are interested my son is now employed in an architects practice in London and he's currently working on a project to design a new library in Cheltenham.
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