

art painting sketching drawing

Hi All, I paint primarily in oils, I sketch in pencil and I am about to start pen and ink drawings & sketches again after a long break. I posted two paintings recently here and I find painters-online.co.uk a great web site. It is lovely to see the work of so many wonderful artists. I sometimes feel as though I am the only person painting in this world. Great to see you all Harry
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Hi Patricia havn't heard from you lately what are you up to?

Hi Patricia thanks for the info on the Silk Painting I went into my bookshop wnd there in the art section was a book on Silk Painting I nearly baught it...it will be there next week so I'll check the name and probably buy it...It looked beautiful so I know I won't be able to resist wven if I don't get around to trying it...it will be nice to look at

Thanks for the photo Patricia it's beautiful...where I lived in Belfast was hilly we were near the mountains and the street behind us was very steep and as soon as the freeze started they poured water down the middle of the street and we had the greatest slide and when it snowed even better...we were fearless went down on our feet,on books bits of tin but there was nothing better...mind you hardly anybody had a car then so it was quite safe to this day I can ice skate we have a rink about a 15 minute drive away but because of my spinal fusion my daughter forbids me to put the skates on so the last time we were there I looked on wistfully...I feel life was better then we made our own fun outdoors or coloured in did drawings...I use to love the kaleidoscope looked into it for hours...on the other hand when I allowed my daughter to walk to primary school by herself we had a radio warning that all mums should pick their children up from her school because someone had tried to snatch a child...it's not that safe anymore I think we were lucky...here in the West of Oz has been lovely this past few days but that's gone now into high temps and high winds again this week fire is our greatest fear they are usually deliberately lit...we had one in the golf course just across the road last year and nearly lost our house with a ceiling fire luckily we found it before it got out of hand we had the engines out twice about $20,000 in damage...over East at the moment is awful about 80 people have died the news tonight was heartbreaking they are saying those fires were deliberately lit can only ask why but there is no answer to why they do these criminal things...this is the worse i've ever seen since i've lived here but we can't send our firemen over because of the heat and winds we are expecting...often they come from the USA as ours go there in their fire season.. you will probably have a good summer this year after the proper winter...keep enjoying your walks