Greetings stranger

Greetings stranger

Greetings stranger

Wow, this is my first post on my blog, and my first blog ever. I have always steered away from doing such a thing as I just could not imagine anyone wanting to read what I say. Now I have a purpose, and am hope writing a blog can help. Call it therapy, call it a challenge, I am hoping this blog will encourage my creativity. I always want to do more painting, drawing and printmaking but never seem to motivate myself. My goal is to do a creative project each week and post it on this blog, that way I have something to report to, sort of way of keeping the procrastination in check (but perhaps not my spelling). Enough about why I am creating a blog, a little more about myself. I'm in my thirties, of Australian birth but living in London for the past ten years, and a graphic designer. I have been drawing since I could hold a pencil, but have not been constantly producing work since I left Melbourne, other than the old course here and there. Why the blog title? Well its true.. I can see the Thames from my bedroom window, I'm hoping it will give me a little inspiration over the coming year. I think that is enough for now, my next post I will not only figure out how to upload images, but will add some of my recent scratchings and hopefully have my first project to show. Thanks for your time and so long for now Kate :-)
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