Getting Through....

Getting Through....

Getting Through....

Thanks for the comments on my last blog post; I did think of removing it, but I think it might just help a few people who are afflicted similarly. I get these mood swings, and probably always will - wish there were a switch in the brain that could be flicked to turn them off, but if there is, I've not found it. If it MIGHT help someone else, I'm getting through this latest trip down Depression Drive by pushing on with a job I should have done a week ago - writing a review of acrylic paint for a Manchester art-shop that asked for same; I had to produce a couple of paintings to accompany it, which I hope they'll use; if they do, I'll point you to their webpage and blog. I'm still in the market for your 10 year olds and teenagers who are entirely at ease with web-sites! Although I can appreciate that you might not want to subject them to my tender mercies ..... If only I'd gone to school 10 years ago instead of nearly 50 .... I did learn to touch-type, on a 1905 typewriter .... and that's stood me in good stead; but websites, plus being ever so slightly certifiable, have been a difficult combination. Talking of websites - if you go to, and look up a book by Peter Duddigan entitled The Windmill Mystery, you should find my illustrations for his story (and if you have children/grandchildren, might even buy the book).
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