Getting Better!

Getting Better!

Getting Better!

Had my illness diagnosed. I have vertigo. Shows how much I know - I thought that was something to do with heights! I am on Stugeron (you were right Patsy). Should clear within a couple of weeks. At the moment I am walking around like a dignified drunk. Went to the gallery this morning. Picked up my first cheque (whoopeeeee). Told the owner I was moving into landscapes etc.. He said that he had landscapes and seascapes coming out of his ears. He wants more of what I do because no-one else does it, at least around here they don't. Lots of local interest in my stuff. Just waiting for the tourists (with money) to start having a walk around. Things are moving on apace... Bought two paintings today. One by Jo-Anne Clark - "Biting Henry" (saw it in the PO gallery here and showed my wife who held her breath until I agreed she could have it) and a tattooed Bull Terrier by Dominick Murphy - google him, he is well worth a visit. Very quirky paintings, but a lovely ordinary family man.
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