Folkestone Triennial

Folkestone Triennial

Folkestone Triennial

Yesterday I took some time out to meet a couple of friends in Folkestone to look at some of the work for the triennial. We'd booked ourselves on a guided walk and talk by one of the Tate's contemporary art curators, Clarrie Wallis. What a great way to spend an afternoon! We took in lots of art, and it was interesting to hear Clarrie's perspective on the works, and her knowledge of the artists themselves. We didn't get to see everything, but as it's not far away from me I'll be going again. I'd definitely recommend a visit. There's a map available with all the locations on, and a website where you can download it before your trip to plan what you want to see (advisable, one thing I didn't do!). And endless places to buy ice cream (yes, I did vote for the ice cream van on 'Your Views'... well, it was a hot day!!). Apparently you can hire bicycles that play different music as you cycle around the town... listen out for me in a few weeks time!
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