Fine weather continues for 'En Plein Air' enthusiasts!

Fine weather continues for 'En Plein Air' enthusiasts!

Fine weather continues for 'En Plein Air' enthusiasts!

This bout of wonderful warm and calm weather we are having here in East Kent seems too good to be true! Long may it continue. I have been making good use of it by going out with my sketch pads, chair and sun hat, not at all stylish, but very necessary. As its made of canvas, it could also double up for a water pot, if necessary. I love working out of doors and find myself in all sorts of strange locations, corners of fields & gardens, on the shingle beach, using old boats as windbreaks, whilst drawing and painting other even older boats. I'm happy with my buildings and townscapes, but am not very good at painting grasses and plants, in landscapes, particularly those in the middle and foreground. So I've spent some time this year trying to improve on those areas, and know that if I persevere, and the weather continues, I 'may' improve. I love painting landscapes, and last year I concentrated on trees, so if I can 'sort out' bushes and plants this year, that just leaves me with skies to concentrate on perhaps next year? Q) Do you have a target? I find it helpful. Suggested ideas could be: Figures - Faces, Hands, Feet, Capturing movement Landscapes - Skies, Trees, Foliage, Foregrounds, Aerial perspective Architectural - Buildings, Roofs, Textures, Classical details, perspective Keep painting - Julian (Kentish Landscapes)
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