Figure painting

Figure painting

Figure painting

A type of oil painting, which belongs to the figure oil painting classification. It is easy to understand the name of human oil painting, figure painting is specifically for the human body which is the main object of oil painting creation. With difference of the way of thinking, the environment, and different area, in the country , is in the creation of human oil painting expression of emotion, performance direction.Through the characters painted by artists, whose characters, the impact on the public is absolutely the same as the characters in the works of writers. In the artist's paintings, the personal characteristics of the characters, facial image will be the more delicate expression, without special expression, emotion will penetrate in every viewer's heart. And the general description of the scenery, photography, photography, oil painting characters is not an exaggeration, not impetuous, in full accordance with the fresh character of the true expression, although the human body oil painting belongs to the painting category, is a kind of art, but portraits Essential requirements of the oil painting creator to maintain the character of the true, not to add more, restore nature, make it different from the reality of art.
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