


Tonight is the vernissage for our new exhibition at our local library. I am making two "Zwiebelkuchen" ( onion cakes) to take which taste really good but in the meantime the whole house stinks. Our librarian surprised us late August by giving us a three month slot. Can only imagine somebody had cancelled as we weren't expecting anything till next spring. So I have been very busy trying to get some paintings completed. I am showing six, but three of them are hung over doorways and no way is this the best way to look at them. Wasn't sure whether to put them up at all. A couple of our group have put in some paintings which they had in a previous exhibition. I don't really think that is good policy and I shall bring it up at our next meeting and see what the others think. One of my paintings is "grey geese" - thanks to everyone for your encouraging comments.
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